Peminat seni beladiri dipelawa hadir menyaksikan pameran dan demonstrasi oleh jaguh-jaguh Muay Thai, Silat, Taekwondo dan Karate di All Martial Art Exhibition di Muzium Telekom, Jalan Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur. Semalam telah diadakan demo Wai Kru, sepak pao dan sparring antara juara Muay Thai tanah air yang akan mengambil bahagian dalam kejohanan Muay Thai sempena AMAE 2010, iaitu Muhd Yusmirahman, Eddi Selindang Kuning dan Kuah Theam Loong.
28 Disember 2010
27 Disember 2010
Tahniah PMTM

ASUS berlangsung dengan jayanya pada 22 November lalu di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya (PICC), Putrajaya dan dirasmikan oleh Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS), Datuk Mohid Mohamed yang mewakili menterinya, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.
Selain Kategori Persatuan Sukan, sebanyak tujuh anugerah lain disediakan pada tahun ini iaitu Kategori Pemimpin Lelaki ASUS, Kategori Pemimpin Wanita ASUS, Kategori Keluarga Aktif ASUS, Kategori Penggerak/Sukarelawan ASUS, Kategori OKU Pemimpin ASUS dan Kategori Kelab Sukan Komuniti (KSK) Cemerlang.
Secara amnya, objektif Anugerah ASUS itu diadakan bagi memberi pengiktirafan kepada pihak yang telah menyahut seruan kerajaan ke arah menjayakan sukan untuk semua Apa yang pasti pengiktirafan kerajaan melalui ASUS akan menjadi pemangkin kepada individu serta organisasi untuk menyumbang tenaga, jasa dan khidmat bakti mereka secara lebih gigih untuk memartabatkan sukan untuk semua.
Train in Thailand?

What is a good gym to train at in Thailand?
There are so many great places to train in Siam that it all depends on you. Ask yourself a few of these questions. What do I wish to achieve by training in the Land of Smiles? Do I want to fight a pro match? Am I looking just to improve my technique and fitness? Do I want to able to train by day and party by night? All these elements come into existence while searching for the best gym that suites you. Once you’ve answered these questions, selecting a gym should not be to difficult.
There are so many great places to train in Siam that it all depends on you. Ask yourself a few of these questions. What do I wish to achieve by training in the Land of Smiles? Do I want to fight a pro match? Am I looking just to improve my technique and fitness? Do I want to able to train by day and party by night? All these elements come into existence while searching for the best gym that suites you. Once you’ve answered these questions, selecting a gym should not be to difficult.
How much does it cost and how much money should I bring?
Most gyms in the same regions charge about the same price for training, food, and accommodation. If you don’t want to stay at the gym, you can find a room somewhere else but the cost can be higher or lower depending on the accommodation your choose. You always want more than enough spending cash. Thailand is inexpensive for most falangs due to the exchange rates. If you are focused on training, you will not be spending too much money daily. I’d say not more than 250 baht. That is paying for bottled water, a couple snacks you may pick up between training sessions like those bags of fruit for 15 to 20 baht depending on who you buy from and you may get hungry after dinner is served so you stroll to the closest 7-11. Another thing to look at while training is going to fights. If you are in Bangkok (BKK), you will be visiting Rajadamnern and Lumpinee. Possibly some like Siam Omnoi, Tv7 Stadium or Channel 5. Depending on the gym you train at and what night of the week it is, you may be able to get in free to the fights. That depends on how well the gym you choose is connected. I’d say go in expecting to pay and if you don’t have to, great! Total monthly budget should be about RM1500 for the man or woman that is concentrating on training. That includes travel to and from the stadiums for fights by whatever manner of transportation you choose, cover charge to enter, food and drink not provided by the gym, those Saturday nights that may come along where you and your news training mates go out for dinner and drinks and pay you’re your trainers meal. (Don’t let him barrow any money!) and other miscellaneous items. If you are partying more and on a muaythai holiday, your cost can rise substantially. It’s too difficult for me to do the math on that due to the unknown amount of variables.
How long should I stay to actually improve my skills?
I’d say at least one month. THAT IS THE BARE MINIMUM. That is also putting your all into your training. Putting your all does not mean going 100% at all times on the bags or pads. Please don’t skip out on the morning runs or situps either. I understand that it will take a few days for you to acclimate to the time change and heat but once you have, do what you came to do. Many farangs may only get two weeks vacation/holiday time whichs blows but if you still want to come train, do it!! You probably will not be able to improve as much cause of time constraints but you will still learn something and any knowledge is useful if you know how to use it. If you can stay for 2, 3, or 4 months, go for it. Your game will go through the roof and upon returning home, I doubt any of your training partners will be able to keep up with you unless they are seasoned.
How is the healthcare if I was to get injured?
Pretty good actually. I suggest getting travelers insurance below you leave home.
Should I bring my own gear or use the gyms’ gear?
Bring your own if you have it.
Most gyms in the same regions charge about the same price for training, food, and accommodation. If you don’t want to stay at the gym, you can find a room somewhere else but the cost can be higher or lower depending on the accommodation your choose. You always want more than enough spending cash. Thailand is inexpensive for most falangs due to the exchange rates. If you are focused on training, you will not be spending too much money daily. I’d say not more than 250 baht. That is paying for bottled water, a couple snacks you may pick up between training sessions like those bags of fruit for 15 to 20 baht depending on who you buy from and you may get hungry after dinner is served so you stroll to the closest 7-11. Another thing to look at while training is going to fights. If you are in Bangkok (BKK), you will be visiting Rajadamnern and Lumpinee. Possibly some like Siam Omnoi, Tv7 Stadium or Channel 5. Depending on the gym you train at and what night of the week it is, you may be able to get in free to the fights. That depends on how well the gym you choose is connected. I’d say go in expecting to pay and if you don’t have to, great! Total monthly budget should be about RM1500 for the man or woman that is concentrating on training. That includes travel to and from the stadiums for fights by whatever manner of transportation you choose, cover charge to enter, food and drink not provided by the gym, those Saturday nights that may come along where you and your news training mates go out for dinner and drinks and pay you’re your trainers meal. (Don’t let him barrow any money!) and other miscellaneous items. If you are partying more and on a muaythai holiday, your cost can rise substantially. It’s too difficult for me to do the math on that due to the unknown amount of variables.
How long should I stay to actually improve my skills?
I’d say at least one month. THAT IS THE BARE MINIMUM. That is also putting your all into your training. Putting your all does not mean going 100% at all times on the bags or pads. Please don’t skip out on the morning runs or situps either. I understand that it will take a few days for you to acclimate to the time change and heat but once you have, do what you came to do. Many farangs may only get two weeks vacation/holiday time whichs blows but if you still want to come train, do it!! You probably will not be able to improve as much cause of time constraints but you will still learn something and any knowledge is useful if you know how to use it. If you can stay for 2, 3, or 4 months, go for it. Your game will go through the roof and upon returning home, I doubt any of your training partners will be able to keep up with you unless they are seasoned.
How is the healthcare if I was to get injured?
Pretty good actually. I suggest getting travelers insurance below you leave home.
Should I bring my own gear or use the gyms’ gear?
Bring your own if you have it.
How clean are the the gyms?
This varies camp to camp. All try to maintain a healthy environment for the their boxers but you as a falang may not be immune to certain infections and irritants. Shower right after every training session too.
How easy can I get a fight and how much is the pay?
It’s usually very easy to get a fight since they are happening every night of the weeks somewhere. If you are good, you may be able to get a fight on a weekend card at one of the big stadiums. Don’t worry about the money cause it will not be good. I’m sure you are fighting for the experience more than the money anyway. If you wanted money, you’d be like Floyd Mayweather Jr and take up western boxing and fight for Goldenboy Promotions.
This varies camp to camp. All try to maintain a healthy environment for the their boxers but you as a falang may not be immune to certain infections and irritants. Shower right after every training session too.
How easy can I get a fight and how much is the pay?
It’s usually very easy to get a fight since they are happening every night of the weeks somewhere. If you are good, you may be able to get a fight on a weekend card at one of the big stadiums. Don’t worry about the money cause it will not be good. I’m sure you are fighting for the experience more than the money anyway. If you wanted money, you’d be like Floyd Mayweather Jr and take up western boxing and fight for Goldenboy Promotions.
Come train with us in Klang
1. Head trainer: Kru Raja Ahmad (Cikgu Kacak) 15 years experience
2. Authentic Muay Thai training
3. Classes available two times a week
4. Learn Muay Thai for fitness, self-defence or to fight
5. Kids - Beginners - Advanced
6. Fighter training programs for amateur to professional
7. Fully structured Muay Thai training system
8. Private sessions available
9. Located inside inspired life - Taman Rakyat Klang
24 Disember 2010
Persiapkan nak muay anda!

Johan peringkat kebangsaan juga akan diberi imbuhan (RM) daripada Kementerian akan layak untuk mewakili Malaysia di Sukan Sea di Indonesia dan Kejohanan Dunia di Turki dan akan diadakan perlawanan khas Malaysia vs Challenger (Pro rules). Terbuka kepada semua gim dan kelab seluruh Malaysia dan hanya untuk warganegara Malaysia berumur 16-35 tahun. Peserta akan mewakili negeri masing-masing dan terbuka untuk lelaki sahaja. Maklumat lebih lanjut akan diberi tidak lama lagi. Kru-kru diminta mempersiapkan nak muay terbaik atau mungkin kru sendiri ingin mencuba nasib. E-mel pihak persatuan di jika ada sebarang pertanyaan.
18 Disember 2010
Kebaikan Muay Thai

Generasi muda kini terutamanya remaja digalakkan mempelajari Muay Thai sebagai satu asas persediaan menghadapi sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini terhadap diri mereka. Muay Thai perlu dipelajari terutama bagi golongan wanita yang sering menjadi mangsa manusia yang tidak berhati perut. Dengan mempelajari Muay Thai, ia mampu meningkatkan daya ketahanan fizikal dan mental di samping meningkatkan keyakinan ketika berhadapan dengan situasi yang mencemaskan kerana mereka yang dilengkapi seni mempertahankan diri mampu berfikir dengan tenang dan menghadapi situasi tersebut dengan bijaksana.
Selain itu juga, Muay Thai ialah satu senaman yang menyihatkan badan. Muay Thai terbukti mampu membakar kalori pelatih sehingga 1000 kilojoule setiap sesi selama 2 jam. Latihan Muay Thai juga membantu melancarkan perjalanan darah kerana pelatih perlu melakukan regangan atau jogging. Latihan menumbuk dan menendang beg berat menjadikan tulang lebih kuat. Ini secara tidak langsung membantu menghilangkan kolestrol dalam badan dan menjadikannya pelatih lebih sihat. Oleh sebab keberkesanannya dalam menurunkan berat badan dalam masa yang singkat, Muay Thai telah menjadi pilihan penerbit The Biggest Loser Asia sebagai salah satu aktiviti kardio peserta rancangan realiti TV berkenaan.
Belia yang terlibat dalam Muay Thai juga dapat mengelakkan diri daripada dadah. Belia yang tidak mempunyai aktviti berfaedah biasanya mudah terjebak dengan dadah. Di Thailand, kerajaannya memperkenalkan Festival Muay Thai Menentang Dadah setiap tahun yang dihadiri lebih 70 buah negara. Terdapat pelbagai aktiviti yang disertai oleh belia untuk menunjukkan sokongan mereka kepada kempen memerangi dadah. Pegawai, jurulatih, petinju dan peminat akan bersama-sama melakukan aktiviti kemasyarakatan seperti mendampingi remaja jalanan.
Muay Thai bukan sahaja mengajar bagaimana untuk mempertahankan diri daripada serangan dan membalas serangan, tetapi elemen seperti tatasusila, adab sopan, moraliti dan juga nilai-nilai murni juga ada diterapkan oleh jurulatih (kru) yang mengajar agar pelatih bukan sahaja mahir dalam seni Muay Thai bahkan mereka juga tahu membezakan yang mana baik dan yang mana buruk dan memanfaatkan apa yang mereka pelajari semaksimum mungkin.
17 Disember 2010
14 Disember 2010
Saenchai Sor Kingstar

It is an achievement that was recognized by the Sport Authority of Thailand when Saenchai was named fighter of the year for the second time in 2008, almost ten years after he first won this prestigious accolade in 1999.
Saenchais’ longevity is quite exceptional and he actually believes he is improving with age, ‘I think I am a better fighter now than I was when I was first named fighter of the year because in 1999 I won just one award but last year I won five,’ he says.
Aged 28, Saenchai is almost universally regarded as the best pound for pound Muay Thai fighter in the world and he believes he still has much more to offer, ‘Young fighters are always emerging but that does not worry me, it is normal. It is good for me to feel pressure. If I feel pressure then I will not let myself lose.’
Since 1999 Saenchais’ appeal has gone global. The man who has won the Lumpinee Stadium Championship in three different weight classes, moving up a staggering 15 lbs in the process, has increasingly had to look abroad to find new challenges, fighting in England and Australia already this year.
Having already conquered Thailand it is only natural that Saenchai should want to take on the world, ‘My next three fights will be in England, France and Holland. I am proud to be considered the best fighter in Thailand and I like being able to fight abroad,’ he says.
Saenchai knows he cannot continue to fight fo ever and acknowledges that, ‘I am already very old in Muay Thai years with 20 years of experience. I don’t think I will carry on fighting past the age of 35. After that I would like to have my own gym, I like teaching tactics and of fering instructions but I don’t want to actually be a trainer myself, if I have my own gym I will hire the trainers.’
However time does not appear to be catching up with Saenchai just yet and he is looking forward to testing himself against more foreign fighters, ‘There are many farangs who are good in Muay Thai but right now Thais are still better than farangs because Thais start training when they are very young,’ he says.
For Saenchai there are advantages to fighting overseas, ‘I am not allowed to use the cartwheel kick here in Thailand beause it is against the rules but I am allowed to do it if I am fighting abroad. It was my own idea but it comes from the Thai sport Ta Kro and I like it because it is different. Also if I fight abroad I can fight at my natural weight of 65kgs whereas in Thailand I normally have to cut weight to get down to 57kgs,’ he says.
Innovative and entertaining techniques such as the cartwheel kick have endeared Saenchai to fight fans and he has developed his own unique fighting style, ‘I like to think for myself and to do things for myself rather than following anybody else. I don’t really have a role model or even a favourite fighter, only myself!’ Saenchai may claim not to haveany role models himself but his seven year old son may well be following in his fathers footsteps
He has been training in Muay Thai for a year and according to Saenchai, ‘He really likes it and I think he is It is up to him if he wants to fight or not, I am not going to force him to be a fighter. At the moment he plays rather than trains.’
Such is Saenchais’ dominance that fighters in Thailand are increasingly reluctant to fight him and the man from Mara Sarakham is having to look further and further afield to find opponents. He may be fast approaching his third decade as a fighter but Saenchai Sor Kingstar is still very much number one and it is not a role he has any intention of relinquishing.
12 Disember 2010
AMAE 2010
Saksikan pertarungan terhebat di AMAE 2010 di Muzium Telekom, Jalan Raja Chulan pada 30-31 Disember ini bermula pada pukul 10 pagi hingga 6 petang. Pameran diadakan secara percuma yang disertai oleh lebih 20 jenis aliran beladiri di Malaysia. Tiket perlawanan Muay Thai pula boleh didapati di pintu masuk muzium. Siaran tertunda boleh diikuti di Astro Arena pada pukul 9 malam.
Pertarungan yang dijangka sengit adalah antara bekas juara 14 wilayah selatan Thailand yang pernah mengalahkan Akhbar Hanafi dua tahun lepas, Dato (SKV Gym, Thailand) menentang bekas juara Kelantan, Seman Nong Kok (Kota Bharu).
Selain itu, perlawanan yang akan merangsang adrenalin penonton pastinya antara Eddiey Selindang Kuning (Kirsty Muay Thai Fight Club) yang akan turun menentang Cyrus Washington (USA).

Eddiey, jurulatih di Kirsty Fight Club, Ampang.

Dato (seluar biru) kini menjadi jurulatih di Merican Gym, Mont Kiara.
11 Disember 2010
09 Disember 2010
Muay Thai or Thai Boxing?
Muay means "box" or "boxing" in Thai so Muay Thai is "Thai Boxing"! Same thing, same meaning. The terms refer to the same sport.
There is no "Muay Thai Kickboxing" or "Thai Kickboxing" because muay simply means "boxing" not kickboxing.
Some people will argue that "Thai Boxing" refers to the modern ring sport you see today whereas "Muay Thai" refers to the "traditional" style practiced exclusively in Thailand. The truth of the matter is the terms mean one and the same any way you cut it. "modern" or "westernized" version may seem different (not much extended clinching, absence of elbows and throws perhaps?, more emphasis in boxing) but it's not. It's merely a subset of what Muay Thai is or was. It wouldn't make it "modern" because the core techniques and distinct character are still there.
Muay Thai is actually the OFFICIAL & MODERN term for the ring sport that is Thailand's national sport. As I understand it, the term "Muay Thai" has only been in use for approximately a century, which is about the same age as the ring sport.
Muay Thai is also used as a generic term to refer to ALL of Thailand's martial arts. The individual arts each have their own names, but the term Muay Thai is often used generically to refer to them all, much like the term Kung Fu is generically used to refer to Chinese martial arts.
Thai Boxing is merely the English interpretation of Muay Thai. The word Muay has a few different meanings, including singularity and a reference to how Thai's arrange long hair.
Muay Thai or Thai Boxing are kinda redundant ways to refer to the sport. These terms are used mostly to help identify at a glance what the sport or martial art is about to the uninformed masses. The term Muay Thai might mean nothing to your average layman, but if you tell them Muay Thai Kickboxing, they will at least have a basic idea of what its about even if they have never seen it before.
I think too many people read too much into the different terms used. They are all just interchangeable terms used to refer to the sport.
Muay Thai is also used as a generic term to refer to ALL of Thailand's martial arts. The individual arts each have their own names, but the term Muay Thai is often used generically to refer to them all, much like the term Kung Fu is generically used to refer to Chinese martial arts.
Thai Boxing is merely the English interpretation of Muay Thai. The word Muay has a few different meanings, including singularity and a reference to how Thai's arrange long hair.
Muay Thai or Thai Boxing are kinda redundant ways to refer to the sport. These terms are used mostly to help identify at a glance what the sport or martial art is about to the uninformed masses. The term Muay Thai might mean nothing to your average layman, but if you tell them Muay Thai Kickboxing, they will at least have a basic idea of what its about even if they have never seen it before.
I think too many people read too much into the different terms used. They are all just interchangeable terms used to refer to the sport.
08 Disember 2010
AMAE 2010

06 Disember 2010
03 Disember 2010
GCS Muay Thai, Taiping

Ditubuhkan pada Jun 1996 oleh Allahyarham Ustaz Abdul Wahab Ibrahim. Pada mulanya ilmu keturunan ini disebarkan kepada keluarga allahyarham. Tetapi atas minat dan sokongan dari penduduk setempat ia telah disebarkan kepada semua penduduk dan seterusnya kepada semua orang ramai. Kini ilmu ini telah diturunkan kepada Waris Utama Allahyarham, iaitu Guru Ezry atau lebih mesra dengan panggilan Paksu yang merupakan anak bongsu allahyarham dan isteri allahyarham yang merupakan Waris Adat Puan Ramlah Uda atau lebih mesra dengan panggilan Opah.
GCS yang membawa maksud G-Gabungan, C-Cengkaman dan S-Sakti merupakan nama silat Melayu dan Muay Thai bermaksud ilmu seni mempertahankan diri yang berasal dari Thailand. Ilmu ini telah digabungkan dan menjadi satu pendekatan ilmu yang kukuh.
Silat Gabungan Cengkaman Sakti ialah satu perguruan yang mempunyai elemen permainan atau gaya binatang. Elemen tersebut ialah Harimau yang digelar Sikasa, Helang digelar Siputih, Kera yang digelar Siluman dan Kala Jengking yang digelar Sikala. Dengan gabungan elemen gaya binatang ini maka permainan ilmu beladiri ini boleh beraksi dalam setiap sudut. Muay Thai atau Tomoi pula ialah ilmu yang dipelajari allahyarham daripada keturunannya memandangkan beliau adalah dari keturunan fatani (Thailand).
Satu langkah demi langkah diambil oleh Guru Ezry bagi mengetengahkan kelab dan mencungkil bakat ahlinya secara serius. Kelab ini juga telah berjaya menjadi salah satu aktiviti rasmi di bawah Gerakan Belia 4B Perak. Objektif utama kelab adalah untuk menjadikan kelab sebagai salah satu kumpulan dalam menarik seberapa ramai golongan belia untuk terus bergerak aktif selaras dengan kempen yang disarankan oleh pihak kerajaan. Selain dari itu, GCS juga sering dijemput menjadi fasilitator dalam kursus jangka pendek di sekolah, IPT, Puteri UMNO dan NGO.
Atas dasar mahu terus mendidik anak bangsa, kelab juga telah mewujudkan kumpulan tarian melayu asli (Kumpulan Sri Inang sari) di bawah pimpinan Cikgu Fazlyna (isteri Guru Ezry).
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