27 Mac 2011
22 Mac 2011
Terima kasih PTKL

Festival Seni Mempertahankan Diri

11 Mac 2011
Kejohanan Muay Thai Amatur

Zon Pantai Timur (Kelantan)
19hb/20hb Mac 2011 (Kompleks Belia Sukan Panji Kota Bharu)
Zon Utara (Perlis)
26hb/27hb Mac 2011 (Kompleks Belia Sukan Perlis)
Zon Tengah (Selangor)
2hb/3hb April 2011 (Sunway Pyramid)
Zon Malaysia Timur (Sarawak) - 14hb/15hb Mei 2011
Persatuan daerah, negeri dan kelab diminta menghantar nama wakil masing-masing kepada pmtmhq@yahoo.com secepat mungkin atau menghubungi pengurus kejohanan, En. Farek di talian 01666906609.
19hb/20hb Mac 2011 (Kompleks Belia Sukan Panji Kota Bharu)
Zon Utara (Perlis)
26hb/27hb Mac 2011 (Kompleks Belia Sukan Perlis)
Zon Tengah (Selangor)
2hb/3hb April 2011 (Sunway Pyramid)
Zon Malaysia Timur (Sarawak) - 14hb/15hb Mei 2011
Persatuan daerah, negeri dan kelab diminta menghantar nama wakil masing-masing kepada pmtmhq@yahoo.com secepat mungkin atau menghubungi pengurus kejohanan, En. Farek di talian 01666906609.
06 Mac 2011
Train with Cikgu Kacak
2. A trainer is someone who trains fighters to develop and strengthen their skill and techniques, but a Kru, a teacher teaches and explains each step, techniques.
3. Learning Muay Thai is not about learning to fight, learning how to protect yourself using your body, to respect parents, teachers and country, to be the one who is disciplined.
4. Training Muay Thai with Master Raja Ahmad, you can learn the culture and tradition of Muay Thai. Master Raja Ahmad's training bases mostly in basics, because that is what Master Raja Ahmad considers the most important thing in Muay Thai or probably any other martial arts and sports, and other things as well.
5. Then you can further learn fighting techniques and tactics, or self protection, one of the best exercises too.
6. If you already have learned Muay Thai or you are a fighter, training with Master Raja Ahmad will improve your balance and control.
7. If you are a fighter, then it will make your attacks more powerful and your movement faster.
8. If you have never learned Muay Thai, or any kind of martial arts, no problem, Master Raja Ahmad is the best kru for beginners, because what he teaches the best is basics.
9. Master Raja Ahmad's concept of Muay Thai training is to enjoy, it's because it's his passion, he loves and enjoys to teach Muay Thai.
10. Various students from different countries including Thai, expatriates, polices, students, Muay Thai fighters, etc.
11. Some comes in for one day or short time period, some may come regularly, some comes every year.
12. Students come for different reasons too, some for excercise and self-defense, some for reviews and training, some for new techniques and skills, various reasons.
13. No needs to be shy, come train and have fun!
01 Mac 2011
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